Thursday, June 14, 2007

Borrowed from Xanga

I do a lot of driving for my job (I'm a traveling whore, er, I mean sales rep for a major distributor) and on these drives I let my mind ponder over various subjects. A lot of the times I drive in my car without the stereo on as I think about different things, almost like brain surfing. Sometimes I think about Xanga, previous lovers or people I know, but sometimes really weird thoughts pop up.

Today was one of those days.

As I was driving my car I began wondering about cave men. I wondered, what would happen if scientists discovered a cave man frozen solid in a block of ice? And they were able to revive him? What would he think of the world today? This is of course assuming he could speak English. How would life be different for him now as opposed to the way it was a gadzillion years ago?

Say for example, how would he react to the first time he rode in a car doing 70 down an interstate? Would he freak out? Or better yet, what about riding down a twisting back country road doing 70? Even better, lets take him to Daytona and ride with Jeff Gordan!

The hell with Mr. Gordon, I want to drive the NASCAR car!

I imagine for the most part he would be overwhelmed with trying to just comprehend things. Being a caveman from prehistoric times his life was just finding food and staying away from things that considered him food. He would come from a life without fire to a life with ovens and microwaves. What would he think of pornography....or would the concept of TV be beyond him? How long would it take for him to get a grasp on the internet?

How long before he had his very own blog?

I really need a hobby....

1 comment:

Polka Dot said...

Lookit you! Did you just start this or ...? I think you kind of get one already if you have a gmail acct. I dunno.